Vraiment harchi nul!!!!!!
Vraiment harchi nul!!!!!!
This could be the worse app ever..dont waste your time with this.
Boring. Thats all I need to say.
This app keeps on crashing.
This app is just a picture of a house with stupid jumpscares
This is a stupid game. Almost as stupid as me.
Seriously this is retarted
You cant even trick anyone its as stupid as i was to buy it.
This app gave me cancer.
this app needs an award for cancer giving derpyness and its stupidity !..(I actually still have this app and I got it a month ago cuz its so funny!)
Ma che gioc e sfaccimm ! Fa scif e Nun fa paur nemmen e mosche ! Ma che sang e kitammuort!
Ma a che serve
Miglior gioco di sempre, mi ha preso fin dal primo istante davvero bravi!
I havent been able to use it because it crashes every time I start it.
The only thing this does is crash after you press the screen: deleted!
While the visual effects were cool theres nothing else there but clicking on a few windows the door, ground and sky booooooring I just deleted it thinking there was more too it
I hate it.it always crashes when I press the screen.
Sometimes the app crashes, only 5 scary moments that are also stupid.
This app was really dumb